Sentences with New, Definition and Example Sentences
New means; made recently or now for the first time, recent, novel, fresh, crisp, hot, raw
Example Sentences With New
- He had a terrible accident with his new car.
- Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. (Albert Einstein)
- Now is the right time to get a new job.
- Now he has to move to a new house. This house is very old.
- You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore. (William Faulkner)
- She left England to start a new life for herself.
- The new computer she bought broke down after 2 months.
- She really had a hard time adjusting to the new business environment.
- He couldn’t convince her mother to buy her a new car.
- She wants to buy a new house but has no money.